viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Have to/ had to/ will have to

We are practicing obligation with "have to."

Here are the forms.

Present:  Subject + have to /has to + verb in infinitive

I  have to study every day.      
She has to study every day.

Past:  Subject + had to + verb in infinitive.

I had to look after my brother yesterday.
He had to clean his room.

Future:  Subject + will have to + verb in infinitive.

Tomorrow I will have to go shopping with my parents.
Next week we will have to bring glue sticks to class.

Questions in Present:      
Do/Does + Subject + have to + verb in infinitive.

Do we have to finish the worksheet at home?
Does he have to write his name on the paper?

Questions in Past:    
Did + Subject + have to + verb in infinitive

Did you have to stay late yesterday?
Did they have to do a book report last week?

Questions in Future:  
Will + Subject + have to + verb in infinitive

Will we have to come to school on Monday?
Will you have to help make the cake tomorrow?

Make your own Thaumatrope

Before we had animated cartoons like Frozen, or  Minions, people used different techniques to show motion. One was the Thaumatrope. This was a popular toy in the 19th century (s.XIX).  

On this page you can see some examples of traditional designs.

Here you can see some children's thaumatrope designs.  We are going to make our own!

It is easier to do with a pencil or straw:

Papiroflexia (Valores)

En Valores hemos aprendido sobre distintas culturas, y valores importantes. Hemos conocido esta historia sobre una niña japonesa, y el valor de la solidaridad. También hemos aprendido sobre la papiroflexia, el arte de doblar papel que se originó en Japón y ahora es practicado en todo el mundo.

Aquí está el video sobre Sadako Saski:

Cómo hacer la grulla:

Video 1

Video 2

El video de la peonza:

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Material para Art el viernes

Para la clase de Art el viernes, hay que llevar una cartulina blanca tamaño A4, pinturas (lápices de color, o ceras Plastidecor), y un compás si lo tenéis.


domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Unit 2 Test, Social Science

Our test on Unit 2: Coastal landscapes and rivers in Spain, will be on Friday, 30th October.  Here is what you need to study:

--All of the words on the Word List on page 29 (be able to give a definition for each.)
--Place the coasts on a map and give their characteristics.
--Label ALL of the features I gave you on your map (capes, rivers, bodies of water...)
--Characteristics of the rivers in each drainage basin.
--Some examples of rivers from each drainage basin (you should be able to name at least two for each.)
--An example of a river that is a tributary.

Also, be sure you can answer the questions in your book from this unit.

Good luck!  Don't forget, on this page you can find interactive maps to help you study.



En el libro de Valores, habla de un niño de 12 años que escribió una canción en contra del calentamiento global. Esta canción se difundió a distintos colegios para niños en todo el mundo. Aquí podéis ver el vídeo:

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015


In Art we have been learning about how LINE (línea) and VALUE (saturación) can give the illusion of movement or depth.  Here are a few examples of our work:

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015


We will celebrate Halloween on Thursday, October 29th, so that the language assistants can be with us. You can wear a costume (all day) if you want to.

Kinetic sculpture

Hello!  We have been learning about kinetic art, and now we are going to see some kinetic sculptures. Here are a few by an artist from the Canary Islands, César Manrique:

His home in Tenerife:  Can you describe the coasts?

And some by Anthony Howe:

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Código de activación Oxford Plus

Buenas tardes!   Mirad esta entrada en el blog de 3º para una explicación de lo que hay que hacer.    Está muy bien explicado. Sé que en por lo menos un caso, no sale el botón de "OBTENER CÓDIGO" (en su lugar pone "AÑADIR A LA CESTA" para comprar la versión digital),   Lo que no sé es si eso es un problema generalizado o si a los demás si os funcionará así-- por favor, los que probéis me lo dejáis saber.


También aprovecho para comentar que como el jueves haremos control de Naturales, ese día no hace falta llevar a clase libro y cuaderno de Sociales. Sin embargo, el viernes al revés, cambiamos la sesión de Naturales por Sociales, y ese día se lleva Sociales y no Naturales.

Un saludo

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Studying for Natural Science

Our test for Unit 1 is on Thursday.  You don't need to memorize exactly the words from the text, but you should be able to:

--Name and give examples of the six forms of energy
--Explain the two forms of mechanical energy
--Different energy sources (where does it come from? ex. food, the sun, the wind...)
--Identify and explain some energy transformations (when one form of energy changes into another) Ex: In a fan, electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy.
--Renewable and Non-renewable energy sources (explain and give examples)
--Problems caused by using non-renewable energy sources
--Ways to help protect our planet

A good way to study is to make mind maps like we did in class.

Also, read over the Sci Facts (you don't have to memorize them, but they can help reinforce the concepts.)

Here are all of the posts and links to the games for this unit.

Good luck!

Sobre Oxford Plus

Algunos me habéis comentado que al poner los códigos, os dice que no son válidos y os piden códigos de 13 caracteres. No he podido hablar todavía con la comercial de Oxford pero lo voy a consultar con ella a ver lo que me dice. No creo que lo tenga solucionado antes del día del examen, pero seguiremos repasando en clase.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015


Do you remember the parts of a river?

Here are some games to study the location and names of the rivers.

Where is it?
What is it called?

Remember, you have to complete your map with the rivers, capes, etc.  and bring it on Tuesday (Monday we will do Natural Science instead.)

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Información a los padres

¡Hola!  Dos cositas:

1º.  Se ha añadido una enlace a la derecha "Follow by email" para los que quieran ser avisados por correo electrónico cuando se publica algo nuevo en el blog. Solo hay que meter la dirección del correo y se os mandará un mensaje cada vez que haya novedades.

2º. Relativo a los códigos de activación para los libros de Natural Science. En el interior de la portada del libro (la parte de atrás) hay un código de activación que es diferente para cada uno. La dirección que pone en la que os tenéis que meter no es la correcta. Hay que buscar Oxford Plus. Allí haces click en "Regístrate" y pedirá la fecha de cumpleaños. Si es para un menor, avisa que el formulario lo tiene que rellenar el padre, madre, o tutor legal. Al poner los datos y el código de activación, debe activarse el acceso a los recursos digitales.

Si tenéis dudas, poned una nota en la agenda del alumno y intentaré solucionarlas. Viene bien registrarse porque el primer control de Naturales (Módulo 2, Tema: Energía) es para el jueves próximo, el 22 de octubre.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

English Test Unit 1: common mistakes

Here are some of the most common mistakes from the exam.



"Men" is plural and takes a plural verb form.

While the men were carrying the box, they dropped it.


Almost everyone was able to correctly convert the adjectives into adverbs by changing y --> i  and adding -ly.

But, many people were not able to choose which form to use (adjective or adverb) to complete a sentence.

Remember, an adjective tells us something about a noun. The girl was angry. The man was greedy. The box was heavy.

An adverb tells us something about a verb. We walked slowly. He shouted angrily.  They ate all the sandwiches greedily.

Here is a game to practice.  And, a harder quiz.


Verb errors included:
-- Irregular forms: find--found; build--built; wear--wore; fall--fell; dig--dug
--Spelling: carrying, buying, dropped, digging

Used to.  
Remember to use the verb infinitive after "used to".  "But now"...takes the present simple form-- don't forget the "s" for 3rd person (he/she/it).

used to be... but now he is....
used to have...but now she has...
used to play...but now they play...

While + past continuous,  then past simple.
We use this for a continuous action in the past that was interrupted by a different action or event.

While we were waiting for the bus, a car splashed us.
 While Jimmy was travelling on the bus, he looked out of the window.
While Mr. Brown was digging in his garden, he found some money.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Spain's coasts

Can you describe these coasts?   

Rocky or sandy beach?

Cliffed or flat?

Uneven or straight?

Please study the five Spanish coastlines and their characteristics.  Can you make a mind map? Add in the characteristics below each coastline.

Interactive maps of Spanish coastlines and features: Where is it?   And, What's it called?

Here's a short video with aerial photos of Spain. Can you describe the coasts in the video?


jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Classifying energy sources

In class we learned about renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

What are these energy sources?       

Try these games about renewable and non-renewable energy sources!

Most-used sources of energy.

Play this game about classifying energy sources.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

English Test Unit 1

Hello!  Remember, for your test on Thursday you should study the exercises in your workbook for Unit 1.  There is vocabulary, grammar, and writing.

Vocabulary:  The words we learned from the story (missing, surprise,, maid, bandage, etc... )

Spelling: Words with "wh".   You need to know spelling and what the words mean.


While we were studying, someone knocked at the door.
While she was talking on the phone, she heard a noise.
While I was looking at the painting, someone bumped into me.

He used to live in Meco, but now he lives in Alcalá de Henares.
We used to go swimming after school but now we play football.

Adverbs:   If the adjective ends in consonant + y,   change y to i and add -ly.

angry-------> angrily
happy-------> happily
greedy-------> greedily


We use reporting words to say what someone has said.


Remember the punctuation:

 "Hurry!"  she shouted.

Andrew whispered, "I think she's asleep."

"That is a brown bear," explained the zoo guide.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


The Ebro Depression is a large, triangular plain in the northeast of the peninsula. The river deposits materials near the mouth, creating a delta.

The Guadalquivir Depression is a large, triangular plain with fertile marshes near the mouth of the river.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Unit 1 Social Science Test review

Your test is on Monday!  Here are some questions to help you study. Use complete sentences in your answers.

P. 8, 9    Spain’s location and landscape
1. What is Spain formed by?
2. What are its borders?
3. What covers a large part of the peninsula and archipelagos?
4. What is the coastline of Spain like?
5. What is at the center of the peninsula?

p. 10, 11   The Meseta and its mountain systems
6. What is the Meseta almost surrounded by?
7. What communities does it cover?
8. What are the two mountain systems on the Meseta?
9. The rivers that pass through the Meseta empty into which ocean?
10. Which sub-plateau is bigger, flatter, and higher?
11. What are the main mountain ranges in the Central Sierra?  Locate them on the map.
12. What is the highest peak in the Central Sierra?
13. How many mountain systems surround the Meseta? Name them.

p. 12, 13   The mountain systems outside the Meseta
14. How many mountain systems are outside the Meseta? Name them.
15. What are the two parallel ranges in the Baetic mountain system?
16. Name and describe the two large depressions outside the Meseta.

General questions:
17. Name three Peaks.
18. Name three mountain systems.
19. Name three mountain ranges.

Locate on the map all of the things on your list.

Good luck!!!!