lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Social Science Test Review

Here are some questions to help you study. Make sure you can answer all of them!

1. Explain these terms and say during which reign they appeared (who was king or queen at that time).
--political alternation
--Salic Law
--Crisis of 98
--Carlist wars (First and Second)

2. For each part of the pyramid, write the name of the capitalist class and say who belonged to it.

3. What was the quality of life like for the majority of the population in the 19th century? Why?

4. Why was the 19th century important for the press?

5. What changes in education did the Moyano Law bring?

6. How did the Spanish War of Independence begin?  Who fought in this war?

7. Name and describe the cultural movements of the 19th century.

8. Why and when was the National Bank of Spain founded?

9. Name three things that slowed economic development in the 19th century.

13. What was the main economic activity in the 19th century?

14. Which king was influenced by Cánovas del Castillo?  Which Constitution was written at that time?

15. During which period did Amadeo I reign?

16. Who was king (or queen) when the American colonies gained independence?

17. Which king allowed Napoleon to pass through Spain to conquer Portugal?  What happened instead?

18. Write everything you know about the Constitution of 1812.

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