jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Texture 2

Remember our Optical Weaving project? 

In it we created Visual Texture by using Line and Value. It looks like it is in 3D, but if you touch the paper, it is smooth.

Here are some examples of visual texture:

Antonio López García, Soaked Underwear, 1968
Antonio López García, 1968

Isabel Quintanilla, Jardín, 1966

Jamie Wyeth, The Islander, 1975

Louise Nevelson is an artist who worked with tactile/actual texture. She made monochromatic (one colour) sculptures:

We are going to make a paper sculpture using different textures.  Bring your scissors and glue!

Texture 1

In Art this year we have studied some of the Elements of Art: Line and  Value.

Now we are going to study Texture.  Texture is how the surface of something feels. 

Words to describe texture: smooth, rough, bumpy, soft, 

There are many different textures in nature:



and artificial textures:


Visual texture is when the texture is only drawn or painted,  If we touch the paper, it feels smooth. Look at this painting by Albrect Durer:


Watch this presentation. (We are not going to make the masks, but you can see the idea.)

The Age of Exploration

This time period was also known as "The Age of Exploration."  New navigational instruments were invented:

The astrolabe:


The compass:


 The sextant:


New and better maps (Cartography):


New and better ships: Caravel

Christopher Columbus used the caravel for his voyages in 1492.

The Catholic Monarchs

Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon married in 1469 and became known as the Catholic Monarchs.  (You may know them by their Spanish names: Fernando II and Isabel I, Los Reyes Católicos.)


They became the first sovereigns of the Spanish monarchy.  Their main aims were to establish religious and political unity.

They established political unity by incorporating  Navarra, Granada, and Portugal into their territory. They expanded their territory beyond Spain by marrying their children to rulers of other kingdoms (strategic marriages.)

Spain with the Catholic Monarchs

They established religious unity by creating the Spanish Inquisition, and expelling the Jews from Spain in 1492. Muslims were expelled in 1502.


They also took back much of the power that had belonged to the nobles during medieval times (emergence of authoritarian monarchies in the Early Modern period.)

They also set up royal councils, royal tribunals (Audiencias), collected taxes, and maintained an army loyal to the Crown.

An idea for the weekend

If you want to do something fun this weekend, why not try the Museo Naval in Madrid?

You can see old maps, models of ships, and lots of navigational instruments that were used during the Age of Exploration.

Model of Columbus's ship, Niña. Museo Naval.




Santa María

Astrolabe from the Columbus Room, And maps!

Science in the Renaissance

There were many scientific discoveries and inventions during the Renaissance period. It was called "The Scientific Revolution."

One of the most important was the printing press, which allowed books to be printed by machine instead of copied by hand.


Here are a few more examples:

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Using articles: a, an, the

Remember how to use articles?

Let's practice!  Here are a few games:

Learn English kids game

Basketball game

Snakes and ladders game

Who wants to be a millionaire game

English Test Units 7 and 8

Next week (Thursday or Friday) we will have a test on English Units 7 and 8.

This is what you need to study:

Unit 7
--present perfect with "for" and "since" (questions and answers)
--possessive 's  (Bill's bike,  the teacher's desk)

Unit 8
--definite and indefinite articles (the, a/an)
--"such/so"  with  "that"   WB p.75  "The book was so fantastic that I read it twice."
--possessive adjectives: my, your, her, his, its, our, their
--use of present perfect vs. past simple
--reading comprehension
--listening comprehension
--gap fill (choose the best word)

You do not have to study vocabulary or spelling from the book or workbook.

You do have to study the irregular verbs from your list, so you can use them correctly in the test.

Study your notes from your notebook and the exercises from the workbook!

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

The magical world behind a microscope-- the nano world!

Here is a great video (TED talk) about amazing things you can see under a microscope. Even if you don't understand all of the words, it is fun to watch! Insects, cells, grains of pollen on a flower, grains of sand...

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

Vacation fun

Remember the exhibit we went to see?


If you like to build with Legos, check out this link to read about a Lego version (in Spanish) and watch a video!

Electric Bricks Lego Strandbeest article

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Virtual microscope

If you liked using the microscopes yesterday, you might want to try this digital microscope. You can choose the sample (muestra), adjust the settings, and look at your item.

The microscope is here.

Here is a video explaining how to use it (in English):

Have fun!

The Book of Kells

One form of art in the early middle ages was the Illuminated manuscript. Monks in monasteries decorated their religious texts with beautiful drawings and letters.

These pages are from one illumninated manuscript from Ireland called The Book of Kells. It was created around 800 AD.


This is a dog:


Here are some of the letters:


It used designs called "celtic knots."

external image screen480x480.jpeg

We can make them with rope:

How to make a celtic knot with rope

Or we can draw them on paper:

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Word order in English

Watch this presentation about word order in present simple.

Word order present simple from chemcum

Now, can you expand some sentences by adding more information?

Resolución de Conflictos

Esta semana vamos a trabajar conjuntamente la clase de Religión y la clase de Valores, sobre el tema de la resolución de conflictos. Para ello utilizaremos este vídeo hecho por niños de Madagascar (del proyecto Namana, de la ONG Agua de Coco.)

Hoy hemos hecho la primera sesión.  Podéis volver a ver el vídeo:

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Showing possession with 's

Do you know the rules for possessive  's?

Let's learn this song!

Turtle game

Play this game to review possessive nouns:  (Click here)

Click to play 'Who owns what game'

A matching game

Another one

Using a microscope

Have you ever looked through a microscope?


Social Science Test

 You need to know about these important people:

--Emperor Theodosius
--The Visigoths
--King Recarred
--Abd al-Rahman III
--Catholic Monarchs
--Alfonso X

And these places: why were they important?
--alijamas and morerías

And information about these concepts:
--The Reconquista
--Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
--Toledo School of Translators
--The Inquisition

Important Dates to know:

476 AD
589 AD
711 AD
722 AD
929 AD
1031 AD
1212 AD
1492 AD

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Are you ready????

Tomorrow is your Natural Science Test. I hope you have studied hard!  Just a reminder of what you need to know:


cell membrane
cell wall
unicellular organism
multicellular organism


Qualities our planet has that are necessary for life
Three basic life processes
The basic life processes in humans
What do cells do?
Shapes cells can be
Difference between plant cells and animal cells
Functions of the different parts of the cell
Different types of cells: shapes and funtions: red blood cells, nerve cells, reproductive cells
Unicellular and multicellular organisms
Organisation of living things: cells, tissue, organs, systems (plants and animals)
Different body systems in humans and the basic life function each carries out

Good luck!!!!!