martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

¡Último día de Kuaderno!

Hoy es el último día de poder usar Kuaderno gratuitamente. ¡Espero que lo habéis disfrutado!  No lo hemos contratado como colegio, pero las familias que quieran podrán contratarlo de forma particular. Me imagino que en breve os llegará la información sobre los precios.

Nosotros enviaremos en breve una lista con páginas web gratis de inglés con juegos, ejercicios, listening, etc. para que todos puedan seguir practicando en el ordenador o tablet.

Have fun!

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Social Science review questions

On Wednesday you have your last test of the trimestre: Social Science!  You must be able to locate and label all of the provinces of Spain (I will give you a list.)

Also you must study about how our government is organised. Here are the review questions to help you. All of the answers are in your book.

1. What is the city council formed by?
2. What are the three bodies of government within an autonomous community?
3. What is the Statute of Autonomy?
4. Name four things included in the Statute of Autonomy?
5. How does the Constitution define Spain? Where does its sovereignty reside?  How is it organized?
6. How many autonomous communities are in Spain?
7. Name the two autonomous cities.
8. What are the State Institutions established by the Constitution?
9. What is the function of the Head of State?  Who is it?
10. Which institution holds the executive power?  What is its mission? What is it formed by?
11. What is the Parliament in charge of?  What kind of power do they hold?            What are its two chambers?
12. Which institution holds the judicial power? What are they in charge of?             What are the main courts of justice in Spain?

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

Our Christmas cards for Bolton have been sent!

After we had made the cards, I sent them in the post.

 Here are just a few:

To learn more about the school in Bolton, visit their webpage here.

Bishop Bridgeman School

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Why do we....

In Natural Science, we are studying about the Nervous System. The brain is such a fascinating organ!  Some questions came up in class:

Why do we yawn?

Here's an explanation from KidsHealth

But there have been new studies that suggest that yawning helps us cool down our brains and think more clearly.  Read this article for more information!

Line of succesion to the Spanish throne

In class today some of you were asking about the line of succession to the throne. We learned that the Head of State (executive power) is the King, in this case Felipe VI.

The line of succession is part of the Constitution. You can read it here:

Article 57 of the Spanish Constitution.

Here is a graphic:

Image credit   (you can read the article)

Some people want to change this article of the Constitution because it discriminates against women. But in order to change the Constitution, a long process must be followed, including a referendum (the people have to vote.)   Maybe it will happen someday!

Suponiendo que Felipe VI propusiera alguna de estas reformas y las fuerzas políticas atendieran su petición, primero se haría una votación en las Cortes para aprobar el inicio de la reforma de la Constitución. Posteriormente, habría que disolver las cámaras y celebrar elecciones. Se volvería a constituir el Congreso y el Senado y las Cámaras deberían decidir si se sigue adelante con la reforma y si así fuera deberían discutir y redactar el nuevo texto. Más tarde, sería imperativo la aprobación de esa nueva redacción mediante referéndum.

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