domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

English test Unit 2

We have the test for Unit 2 on Wednesday.

You have to study:

--The vocabulary from the text (the words from Pupil's Book page 32 and workbook page 13)

--Words with soft "ch" (like chocolate, chicken. lunch)  and hard "ch" (k sound) like: chemical, school, anchor.  You need to know which words belong in each category.


The main grammar points from this unit are:

Infinitive of purpose. We use the infinitive form (with "to" to explain why we do something.)

I went to the shops to buy a new dress.

She phoned her classmate to ask about the homework.

Have to for obligation in present, past, and future.

Click here for a quick review.

You also need to review the grammar from last unit: 

While + past continuous, interrupted by past simple.

Used to for things that were true in the past but are not true now.  Remember the form:

I used to have a dog, but now I have a cat.

Also, be careful!!!  This time, I will take off points for errors in present simple (do/does, 3rd person "s", etc.)

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