miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Review questions for Natural Science

These are the review questions we saw in class.  It does not mean that these are the test questions-- it is just to help you study.  (No quiere decir que ésas van a ser las preguntas del examen-- es solo para ayudaros a estudiar.)

Electricity is a …………………of ……………………………………….
Electricity is formed when an ………………………………………. moves from one ………………………… to another.
What is electric current?
Draw the symbols for “switch on”  and   “switch off””
Draw an atom and label its parts: proton, neutron, electron, nucleus.
Name three inventions of Thomas Edison and say what they were used for.
What happens when electric current flows through wires? A ……………………………… is produced.
If we wind wire into a coil around an object made of iron, an ………………………………… is formed.
Electrical conductors are ………………………………………………………………………………
What did Edison build in New Jersey, USA?..........................
Name three kinds of circuits.
Name three things we use electricity for.
Name two things people used before electricity.
Where is electricity generated?  How does it get to our homes?
What makes electricity safe to use in our homes?
Draw a diagram with symbols of a simple circuit.
Static electricity is produced when electrons……………………………………….........................
An electric current is a flow of ……………………………… through a …………………………….
A simple electric circuit must be …………………………………. shaped.

A coil of ……………………………………… around a bar forms an …………………………....

 Good luck!

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